Debate in English: For equal and fair discussion


    • 1司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/24(Fri) 13:45:44ID:U2MTE4ODA(1/1)NG報告

      Let's all have an opportunity to talk about Asian politics in English.
      Having watched many Korean and Japanese users having a hard time to communicate each other because of translation problem, I decided to make a thread in which everyone can talk fairly.
      I'd like you to discuss especially about the future relationship of Korea and Japan, and how we can improve a political deadlock of both country, but it's okay just to talk anything. However, in English.
      Sorry to non-English speakers, but I hope you to understand.

    • 65ㄷㄷ2018/08/24(Fri) 23:18:51ID:E4NDk3NDQ(1/2)NG報告


      머리 이상하구나. 한일의 미래를 논의하는데 영어가 필요합니까?

    • 66名無し2018/08/24(Fri) 23:20:34ID:I3MjI1NDQ(2/8)NG報告

      My friend (Indian) seems to have a question for you.
      Do Koreans use shower every day?

    • 67ㄷㄷ2018/08/24(Fri) 23:20:48ID:E4NDk3NDQ(2/2)NG報告

      굳이 말하자면 그쪽이 '미래를 논의' 한다라는 것도 구체적이지 않아서 어수선하게 떠들고 있는 것에 지나지 않는다.

    • 68司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/24(Fri) 23:20:58ID:YyMjU4MTY(4/11)NG報告

      번역 문제로 제멋대로 왜곡해서 정신승리하는 저능아들 걸러내려고 만든 거임.

    • 69司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/24(Fri) 23:21:24ID:YyMjU4MTY(5/11)NG報告

      of course

    • 70名無し2018/08/24(Fri) 23:24:50ID:I3MjI1NDQ(3/8)NG報告

      Is it true?
      My friends are having a big laugh.

    • 71司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/24(Fri) 23:25:44ID:YyMjU4MTY(6/11)NG報告

      Why, because of Garlic smell?

    • 72司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/24(Fri) 23:27:36ID:YyMjU4MTY(7/11)NG報告

      Women take a shower everyday.
      About Men, I don't know well. Generally once in two days or three days?

    • 73名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 00:07:57ID:Q2Mjc0NTA(4/8)NG報告

      I'm sorry. I left my room for a while. To shop.
      For friends to buy beer and some items. He likes smoke because he likes Laughable things very much.
      In korea get Laughable things easy?
      We will have a good time after this.(it cough time)

    • 74司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/25(Sat) 00:16:07ID:YxOTc0MjU(8/11)NG報告

      What is 'laughable things'?

    • 75名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 00:20:48ID:Q2Mjc0NTA(5/8)NG報告

      when use it then you are happy

    • 76司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/25(Sat) 00:22:22ID:YxOTc0MjU(9/11)NG報告

      I'm sorry to say this but your English is too difficult to understand.

    • 77名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 00:24:50ID:Q2Mjc0NTA(6/8)NG報告

      sorry,my english is indian english

    • 78名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 00:26:22ID:I3ODk3NTA(1/2)NG報告


    • 79司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/25(Sat) 00:30:49ID:YxOTc0MjU(10/11)NG報告


    • 80名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 00:31:22ID:Q2Mjc0NTA(7/8)NG報告

      I will not bother you any more
      But please write in English again
      I love you.

    • 81名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 00:32:36ID:A0NTIyNTA(3/3)NG報告


    • 82대만 사랑2018/08/25(Sat) 00:34:31ID:Q3OTAzMjU(1/1)NG報告

      간만에 보는 생산적인 스레군요
      비영어권인 한국인과 일본인이 영어 문장으로 논의하며
      영어 공부하는 좋은 스레군요

    • 83名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 00:48:58ID:Q2Mjc0NTA(8/8)NG報告

      Finally, Japanese and Koreans should talk in the same field.
      So, I think that it is okay for both English and others to speak English.
      I think that is a fair rule. I do not like Korean people, but for now.

    • 84名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 01:05:16ID:k4NzM2NDU(1/1)NG報告


    • 85名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 04:05:38ID:QzMTg3MDA(7/9)NG報告

      Mr. Tamori (タモリ), a famous MC and TV comedian, often says "Since this is not a business, but a play, you should do it seriously". I used "Seriously" in this meaning.

    • 86名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 04:31:34ID:QzMTg3MDA(8/9)NG報告

      I spotted out!

    • 87미국,독일,영국2018/08/25(Sat) 13:22:40ID:kwMTEzNTA(1/1)NG報告

      >>1 넌, 영어,일본어 다되는거야?? 오~

    • 88父は朝日でした2018/08/25(Sat) 15:11:53ID:A2NDM1MjU(1/1)NG報告


      It was too late.

    • 89司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/25(Sat) 15:13:46ID:YwOTczMDA(12/12)NG報告

      I have to correct my word. I want to 'communicate' with Japanese.
      If in English I thought it would be better to begin with.
      But that was mistake haha

    • 90名無し2018/08/25(Sat) 17:34:39ID:Y1NDg3MDA(1/1)NG報告




    • 91名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 00:00:29(1/1)


    • 92名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 02:23:45ID:Q3NDU2NTY(9/9)NG報告

      Mr. Tamori is very good at communicating with everyone. But it does not mean he can't debate. Yes. I watched his TV show yesterday.

    • 93名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 09:16:48ID:E5NDIyOTY(1/1)NG報告

      insignificant:nothing here

    • 94名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 09:25:26ID:A2NzYzMTA(1/2)NG報告

      fucking subhuman jap

    • 95名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 09:26:31ID:A2NzYzMTA(2/2)NG報告

      nip monkey cant english

      bcz funking inferior

    • 96名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 09:43:22ID:cwNDU5ODA(2/2)NG報告

      What the hell are you talking about?
      Your english is terrible.

    • 97名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 10:22:58ID:Q0OTIzMjI(1/1)NG報告

      if japs were monkeys,korean would be insects or something.

    • 98名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 10:53:24ID:M3NDE5NjA(1/2)NG報告




    • 99司会者◆tr.t4dJfuU2018/08/26(Sun) 10:57:22ID:YxNjkwMzQ(11/11)NG報告


    • 100名無し2018/08/26(Sun) 11:12:10ID:M3NDE5NjA(2/2)NG報告


    • 101名無し2019/10/05(Sat) 05:58:10ID:YzNzAzNQ=(1/1)NG報告

      Why is it so hard for Asians to learn English?

    • 102名無し2019/10/05(Sat) 06:45:15(1/1)


    • 103tono2019/10/05(Sat) 07:54:02ID:Y3Njk0MzU(1/3)NG報告

      Hi, I'd like to discuss about the future of Japan and Korea in English.
      As a lot of korean people says, it is difficult to have a good relationship if we don't look back the history correctly.

      From my research so far, I think that about 95% of Japanese last 100 years hisotry which most of korean claims is a lie.

      1. Colonization => annexation
      2. Sex slave (more than 200,000) => Prostitute (a couple of thousands)
      3. Drafted worker => mostly normal worker

      Do you have a proof that the history which korean claims is true ?

    • 104名無し2019/10/05(Sat) 08:05:16ID:A4ODE3ODA(1/1)NG報告

      What do you mean by Asians?
      Some countries in Asia, such as Singapore, use English as a common language.

    • 105名無し2019/10/05(Sat) 08:10:11ID:I0NjUxMDA(1/2)NG報告

      I think you are right.

    • 106名無し2019/10/05(Sat) 08:18:05ID:I0NjUxMDA(2/2)NG報告



    • 107tono2019/10/05(Sat) 08:27:16ID:Y3Njk0MzU(2/3)NG報告



    • 108名無し2019/10/05(Sat) 14:15:26(1/1)


    • 109名無し2019/10/06(Sun) 01:51:22ID:AwMDM1MjI(1/1)NG報告


    • 110tono2019/10/07(Mon) 05:18:37ID:AyNzA0MDk(3/3)NG報告


      I’m very open mind person and will take your opinion seriously. I really want to discuss about the relationship between Korea and Japan.
      I hope you didn’t abandoned this thread...

    • 111名無し2019/10/07(Mon) 05:19:08(1/1)


    • 112日本は平和を愛する国2019/10/08(Tue) 12:43:14ID:c5MzEwNDA(1/1)NG報告

      If you can understand English that much, I think that you can understand Japanese claims by reading overseas historical materials rather than discussing here.

    • 113名無し2019/10/08(Tue) 13:02:28ID:EyNTU3NDQ(1/1)NG報告

      Silence... *lol*

    • 114名無し2019/10/08(Tue) 18:57:08ID:I0NTE4MDg(1/1)NG報告

      To discuss about history, we all have to talk on the basis of the proof. However, Koreans tend to make their opinion just based on he/she said stuff, and they strongly believe those saying as the proof.
      Of course those he/she said stuff especially after the conflict came up are way far from confirmed proof, but since a lot of Koreans have received harsh anti-Japan education which is brain washing, they have blind faith in the unproved history received from Korean education system and Korean media.
      Of course there are some Koreans who talk on the basis of the proof, and try to reveal the true history, but they are usually attacked by emotional media and emotional citizens who can't logically refute the argument.

      I don't know how to discuss with those people... It's impossible to discuss if they do not care about the proof and logic.
      I DO have lovely Korean friends, and they are not like that even when we have an argument, but majority of Korean people are...


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