English thread 英語で英語・英語学習について語り合うスレッド


    • 1清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/19(Wed) 23:03:34ID:k5MTAxNjE(1/7)NG報告


      Don't use the automatic translation function.
      Let's talk about English in English.

    • 2名無し2016/10/19(Wed) 23:16:52ID:cyMDg3NjU(1/1)NG報告

      Do you Know Kimchi?

    • 3名無し2016/10/19(Wed) 23:21:23ID:gwMjIwMzA(1/4)NG報告

      no,i dont know.
      we japanese only know kimuchi.
      are you ok?

    • 4清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/19(Wed) 23:24:57ID:k5MTAxNjE(2/7)NG報告

      When we express a language as a tool, we don't have to use "by" but "in".
      [BAD] Write it by English.
      [GOOD] Write it in English.

    • 5清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/19(Wed) 23:29:30ID:k5MTAxNjE(3/7)NG報告

      "For" shows us the direction, and "to" shows us the destination.

      I went to Osaka by a shinkansen for Tokyo.

    • 6名無し2016/10/19(Wed) 23:39:01ID:g1Mzc2NTg(1/1)NG報告


    • 7名無し2016/10/19(Wed) 23:42:26ID:IzNDQ2NjM(1/2)NG報告

      Well, I don't know how English education works in Japan,
      but anyway it sucks in South Korea. Catastrophic.

      I've been studying English for about 10 years or more, ONLY FOR KSAT.

    • 8名無し2016/10/19(Wed) 23:49:40ID:gwMjIwMzA(2/4)NG報告

      same here.
      i cant talk to english speakeres at all.
      i cant even understand what they are saying, because they speak so fast.

    • 9名無し2016/10/19(Wed) 23:53:12ID:YyNjAyNjA(1/4)NG報告


      I think that's because your education has been imported from ours. Our education also sucks in that it's totally useless for communication. However, I believe English education in Japan contributes to developing logical way of thinking in combine with mathematics in the way that English education helps students learn to acquire inductive method while mathematics does deductive or both.

    • 10名無し2016/10/19(Wed) 23:58:58ID:IzNDQ2NjM(2/2)NG報告

      >>9 It is well known that South Korea's English education is kind of like a 'PAKURI' from Japan wwwwww
      I also learned logics, so I agree with you. I don't know how the education of Logics is going on in japan, but Logics elution in South Korea is 100% based on English texts.

    • 11名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 00:06:35ID:Y3NTA4MDA(2/4)NG報告

      The biggest banning factor to both of us to enhance our communicative English is our custom to feel ashamed when mistaken. When I first lived in the US, a close Japanese who had lived there for years once said "His English was hardly caught" when an American addressed us in patois. That much released me from the custom because he was so proud even though he didn't even understand what an American spoke! My advice, accordingly, is just "Don't be shy". That's it.

    • 12名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 00:07:29ID:c2Nzc0MDA(3/4)NG報告

      So in this thread ,we should talk about how to improve our english conversation skills.
      Does anyone have any idea?

    • 13名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 00:11:27ID:Y3NTA4MDA(3/4)NG報告


      Ordinary schools do not have a subject of Logic. Only some smart students spontaneously learn it through the quite ordinary educational process. Those students tend to read many books beside mandatory.

    • 14名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 00:15:11ID:Y3NTA4MDA(4/4)NG報告

      I just checked out how my written English would be translated into Japanese and found an automatic translation function is still far from perfection.

    • 15名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 01:44:23ID:gwMDEwODA(1/1)NG報告

      Ishoni sake nomimasho

    • 16名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 04:51:34ID:gyNjU0MjA(1/1)NG報告


    • 17みんぱ(韓国人)2016/10/20(Thu) 06:26:39ID:kxMzQxODA(1/2)NG報告

      English education in Japan and Korea is often criticized as being focused on memorizing words and rules, which allegedly results in students having decent English grammar knowledge but unable to speak the language itself well—a false accusation. In my opinion, there is not a single better way that language education at such level could be performed.

    • 18みんぱ(韓国人)2016/10/20(Thu) 06:31:37ID:kxMzQxODA(2/2)NG報告

      Don't use the automatic translation function. → Please turn off the translation feature.

      spontaneously → voluntarily

      function → functionality (or feature)

    • 19清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/20(Thu) 07:08:56ID:A1MjMzODA(4/7)NG報告

      Thank you. Our languages are grammatically similar, so we can help each other in order to improve our English skills. It is one of purposes of this thread.

      There are a lot of native English speakers working in Japan and South Korea as English teachers. I don't think that they are useless, but they can't often understand the reasons why their students can't understand some kinds of English sentences because those teachers don't know the Japanese and Korean languages well. They often say, "English is easy!". For us, English is one of the most difficult languages. Probably, the French or German languages are easier than English because they are not so more muddled than English.

    • 20名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 07:36:44ID:c1ODAxMDA(1/1)NG報告

      lol I at first thought that you guys were pretending retarded since I forgot enabling google translation.

    • 21清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/20(Thu) 11:23:39ID:A1MjMzODA(5/7)NG報告

      A reason why most Japanese people can't speak English is because they don't learn it so hard. For example, when we watch a movie, there are a lot of words that we don't know. Simply, we have to know more English words. Foreign people who can speak Japanese really learn the Japanese language very hard. It is true that nobody can get anything without efforts.

    • 22지나가던 한국인2016/10/20(Thu) 11:28:52ID:I5Mjk1MDA(1/1)NG報告

      Do you know PSY?

    • 23名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 11:30:44ID:E2NDE3MjA(1/4)NG報告

      Japan has four seasons, and it's safe to drink tap water in this country.

    • 24清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/20(Thu) 12:54:36ID:A1MjMzODA(6/7)NG報告

      Every country that locates in the temperate zone has four seasons basically. Your sentence is a typical example that native English speakers feel wrong. It is not grammatically so bad. However, your view looks very narrow-minded and illogical. I am not criticizing you. I know you don't have any bad intention because I am Japanese too. I point out that your sentence has a potential that it makes foreign people uncomfortable.

      1.Japan is not the sole country that has four seasons.
      2.Not every country has safe tap water.

      These two reasons show us you as an arrogant and irrational man.

    • 25清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/20(Thu) 13:01:32ID:A1MjMzODA(7/7)NG報告

      「日本には四季があって云々」と悪気なく言っても、「俺たちの国にあるのはあれは何だ? あれは四季じゃないっていうのかい?」とケンカを売っているとみられます。これは日本人が、相手にどう伝わるか、その可能性を考えずに無邪気にしゃべっている、非常に insular な傾向の典型です。

    • 26名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 14:08:39ID:E2NDE3MjA(2/4)NG報告

      Don't take it too seriously.
      It's just a meme.

    • 27日本語を勉強しています2016/10/20(Thu) 14:12:21ID:EwMTY1MDA(1/1)NG報告

      top kek it seems like you speak in broken english as well

    • 28名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 14:51:03ID:c2Nzc0MDA(4/4)NG報告

      You must be korean pretend to be japanese.
      Fuck off!

    • 29名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 14:55:08ID:E4MDkzNDA(1/5)NG報告

      쫎빲릾 낪값 뒶졊랎 이것이 한글의 위대함.

    • 30名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 14:57:49ID:E4MDkzNDA(2/5)NG報告

      읽볺 방샤눙 우원수웅이들아 됵도는 햔큑땅이다 꺚치지마라 진쨔 쥭는다

    • 31名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 14:58:50ID:E4MDkzNDA(3/5)NG報告

      아먀 햬셕하고섶어서 환쟝할꼬다. 이겻이 햔굴의 위댸함이다.

    • 32名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 15:00:20ID:E4MDkzNDA(4/5)NG報告

      규셕기시댸에 션진뮨물을 젼달해준 햔국. 미걔한 원슝이들은 햔국 횽님들에계 걈사해야한댜.

    • 33名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 15:03:23ID:E4MDkzNDA(5/5)NG報告

      댸햔민큑 먄셰 똑도는 우릐땽. 댸먀됴도 우리땽. 일뵨도 우릐땅

    • 34名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 15:05:17ID:E2NDE3MjA(3/4)NG報告

      Ching Chang Nip Nong Long Xiau

    • 35名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 15:57:34ID:Q0ODIxMjA(1/1)NG報告


      そのままWe Japanese~と書く人がいるけど

    • 36kimchi2016/10/20(Thu) 16:11:24ID:Q5NzIxMDA(1/1)NG報告

      I spent more than half of my life in America as Korean. Most Koreans wouldn't identify me as "real" Korean. But anyway.. There is a great disadvantage for people from countries like Japan and Korea for being situated on the farthest possible distance from where English is spoken. Geological distance would translate directly to linguistic distance. People that are born in the same language family, like those from Sweden and Germany would easily master English within couple of years upon arrival in America. Likewise, it seems some of my Korean friends studying abroad in Japan speak Japanese fluent enough to follow lectures in Japanese within 2 years. There should be no shame that both countries English test performance is among the lowest.

    • 37名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 16:36:35ID:E2NDE3MjA(4/4)NG報告

      Well I get where you are coming from, but the linguistic distance doesn't explain everything about why we suck at English.
      I mean, look at Finnish people.
      From my experiences, Finns speak English as fluent as fellow Nordics, despite their language very distant from English.

    • 38Now now see2016/10/20(Thu) 16:53:53ID:M5ODc0NDA(1/1)NG報告

      Bork were door tay death.
      Bork were eight go girl, knee got tay death.
      Bork were could son in gain death.

    • 39名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 19:01:17ID:cyMjc0MjA(1/1)NG報告

      I don't know KIMCHI.

    • 40hello!◆Md4J/9.3Yo2016/10/20(Thu) 19:58:57ID:g5OTUxMDA(1/1)NG報告

      megumin is angel

    • 41名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 20:33:33ID:U4ODkyMDA(1/1)NG報告

      We know that The TOEIC score is not meaning use English ability. In paradoxically, If someone say "We are more higher TOEIC score than You. It's meaning We have supremacy English using ability than You!!". We thought He don't know English deeply.
      But, Maybe It's Korean national characteristics, I heard that words from Korean sometimes :)

    • 42名無し2016/10/20(Thu) 22:03:12ID:kwNjIzNjA(1/1)NG報告

      Which do you like ぶっかけ or bukkake?

    • 43名無し2016/10/21(Fri) 00:43:10ID:k2NzcxNjI(1/1)NG報告

      Good one as a 2nd post wwwwww

    • 44清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/21(Fri) 01:16:51ID:M4NTcyNTg(1/2)NG報告

      However, there are a lot of Japanese people who often say that actually.

    • 45清正公◆STCOlRglhU2016/10/21(Fri) 01:30:18ID:M4NTcyNTg(2/2)NG報告

      The Finnish domestic market is very small. They don't make TV dramas by the Finnish language because it is difficult to recoup the costs of making dramas. American dramas are being aired on the Finnish TV.


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